Started LP at Xcore & not sure ...!

exuse me but I’m confused , when i minted stcore few months ago for stking but found on core scan an lp token & thought it’s the minted stcore .
couldn’t find it’s swap or exchange it back to core & after DAO added the LP of core/corelp
at corex & looking for assistance from your kindness please🙏 …

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Please provide your wallet address so that we do some checks on our end.

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& thank you for helping

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Will look into this and get back to you asap

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Here’s an example of on-chain data when people mint stCORE via Core’s official platform, which interacts with Core’s stCORE smart contract.

As per your wallet’s on-chain data, you can see you have never interacted with our stCORE smart contract.

However, since you are using CoreX app, as per the image shared, it is best advised to reach to CoreX support team.


AH ,forgot about this, as mentioned with the xcore LP stcore+core & it was was missing with me but I has recovered it from . mistakenly xcore was LP & aegix for deposited amount …