BTC Staking transaction in testnet not being shown

Hi all,

Did a first staking transaction on testnet from our app, integrating the code from the core btc-stake-command-tool, but I’m not seeing it reflected on the Core web app:

How long does it take to scan or index the transactions? or after the transaction is transmitted to the network, is there any other step that needs to be done?

More Details:

TxId: mempool - Bitcoin Explorer
operator address: 0x2953559db5cc88ab20b1960faa9793803d070337
Staking Address: “2Mv6YemTNAr4VfyFzMXB1tedpuCoWt9v2Jv”
Redeem Script: “046cd6d966b17576a91404ea20e8539ab835021e1cfb894734d0de3fffb588ac”

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Hey @alerios
Did a thorough check up on your query, seems like your transaction was constructed incorrectly, missing the Operator’s address. Without the correct validator operator’s address, you’ll never see it in the validator’s record.

in the image above, the highlgihted part is where your validator operator does should go.

Your tx shows up in the operator’s record: mempool - Bitcoin Explorer

This highlighted part in the image below should be your “Core Chain Reward Address” - not sure what’s your “actual core chain address” here.


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Hi @Maryam , thanks for your reply!

I’ve corrected my code with the missing parameters, but still I don’t see the transaction being shown on

txId: 669d4c5c6c55d050aa736148b87d5f004ec44956fcd465b49dc5969d36cc2d83
Staking Address: “2NEpG3kmb4ZXLP39h6292sCvaQP6rx7QqP4”
RewardAddress: “0x46b0C2F095773b3404EbF078B9Ce65F7A2c6F08C”,
Redeem Script: “04c4c0e266b17576a91404ea20e8539ab835021e1cfb894734d0de3fffb588ac”

Can you please take another look?

Thanks in advance,

please confirm your validator address

txId: 669d4c5c6c55d050aa736148b87d5f004ec44956fcd465b49dc5969d36cc2d83
Staking Address: “2NEpG3kmb4ZXLP39h6292sCvaQP6rx7QqP4”
RewardAddress: “0x46b0C2F095773b3404EbF078B9Ce65F7A2c6F08C”,
Redeem Script: “04c4c0e266b17576a91404ea20e8539ab835021e1cfb894734d0de3fffb588ac”

Hey @alerios

Checked your transaction thoroughly. I think the issue is likely because our testnet is connected to Bitcoin mainnet, but you are using Bitcoin testnet and tBTC testnet token. For further details, you can reach out to wayne.c.hsu on discord.

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Hi @Maryam,

Thanks, I used the Devnet details supplied by Wayne, and still don’t see the transactions on , please check below:

testnet tx with witness false: 8b4b1a2f099682e1df3b9f3b15fda964d302dfbf31f2555da16e1d25dfb523c3

testnet tx with witness true: b8353c1ba0023d903df884e5c66fdb8b78bbe14311df9e098a0ed085b6ef3e6b

Data used:
“chainId”: 1112,
“validatorAddress”: “0xde442f5ba55687a24f04419424e0dc2593cc9f4c”,
“rewardAddress”: “0x46b0C2F095773b3404EbF078B9Ce65F7A2c6F08C”,
“coreFee”: 0,
“isMultisig”: false,
“redeemScriptType”: 2

I’m also trying calling this API to see if that triggers indexing:


Thanks for your time!

@alerios As communicated earlier, DevNet is unstable and is not meant for public use, data may get wiped out time to time. We are working on it and you would have to wait for a couple of days before data might show up on the DevNet.

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